The French word for “smuggler” or “guide” is passeur. During and at the close of World War II, passeurs led more than 30,000 downed RAF and USA pilots, French resistance fighters, Jews, and other escapees from Nazi-occupied France over the Pyrenees Mountain chain to find freedom in Spain.
Many crossed the Pyrenees in Southeast France near to the Mediterranean where the crossing is less strenuous and the trek less arduous than the inner portions of the mountain range. As the Nazis and their spies tightened the noose, however, more and more escapees found need to cross in the region we traveled with our guide, south of Toulouse. There, the Nazis generally left them to the mercy of the rugged terrain and unpredictable weather.
Only several hundred made it through the difficult passes and passeurs were essential. Even today, with modern conveniences and good trail markers, it is easier to follow the historic routes with a guide. Our guide, an ex-Royal Marine, was an expert in cartography and knew the route well. He warned us of difficulties and encouraged us not to give up, which may have been our lot had we tried the journey on our own.
Now compare this historic journey to the opportunity you and I have to enjoy freedom and purpose in our lives through a relationship with the living God. A great way to shore up that relationship is to deepen our faith by reading through the Bible in 90 days. This trek through God’s Word provides a daily flow of the promises and commands of God to cleanse our lives. It also resets our outlook with a fresh sense of the great purposes of God.
I’m not saying it’s a walk in the park. Reading through the Bible in three months is more like a trek across a mountain range. The traveler experiences significant ups and downs. And distractions and dark forces will challenge the reader to give up. With Bible in 90 Days as one’s passeur, however, we can be smuggled into God’s presence to experience the joys and freedom that is rightfully ours in Christ.
Even as I prepared, traveled, hiked over the Pyrenees, and returned to a backlog of work at home, I was able to keep up with my Bible in 90 Days readings. The online commentaries and the Bible in 90 Days Plus book encouraged me daily. I’m also confident it will guide me successfully to the last pages of Scripture. So no matter how busy you are, you can take this guide with you to help ensure a successful read. If you have a weekly group discussion, or even engage in a whole-church challenge, the rewards will just keep increasing for everyone. It really works!
Every Blessing,
Bill Campbell