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Have you ever wanted to read the entire Bible?

Yes, the whole thing, cover-to-cover. Every word that God has spoken from Genesis to Revelation. In 1999, Ted Cooper decided it was time to read the entire Bible. His experience in reading it, like a book, paved the way for tens of thousands of Bible readers worldwide to do the same. And you can too, using Ted’s simple, highly effective reading plan: Bible in 90 Days (B90).

You’ve come to the right place.

Hundreds of churches and thousands of people have successfully read through the entire Bible using B90. The links below contain great information that will prepare you, and your group, for a journey through God’s Word. You’ll read insights we have gleaned from their experiences. YES YOU CAN! You really can read the entire Bible—in just 90 days! So gather family members, friends, your church, or an entire community—and go for it!

woman reading bible

Start a B90 Group

So you’ve never organized a group before? No worries, learn the basics of how to start your own B90 group.

Take a journey through the Bible in 90 Days. Reading with a group together increases the success rate of finishing the whole Bible. The premise is simple: read 12 pages a day using a B90 Bible, or your own Bible. Then each week, gather with a group for discussion, watch a teaching video, and enjoy fellowship. Meetings last about an hour. This provides accountability, a chance to share insights, and review the previous week’s readings.

Who can lead a group?

Almost anyone can. By using our recommended resources, even with minimal Bible knowledge, you can lead a group through Bible in 90 Days. It works because both the B90 (traditional) Bundle or the B90+ (digital) Bundle are designed to help you facilitate a group, rather than teach. Your main concern as a facilitator is your commitment to lead a group through the readings. You must either (a) read with the group, or (b) have previously read through the entire Bible yourself.

Start a group.

First, determine start and finish dates for reading, and what day your weekly group meeting will gather. Think about the time of year and the availability of potential participants when you select your dates. Example: starting B90 near Thanksgiving or Christmas is not the best time. B90 sessions should end before Thanksgiving — it will be more successful. Think of times or seasons that will be most convenient for you and your group.

Choose a video series.

Bible in 90 Days offers 3 separate series of video lessons; the first two series apply to B90 Traditional, and the third series for Bible in 90 Days Plus (B90+):

  1. One DVD teaching series is led by Jack Modesett, a businessman, former Chairman of the Board of Christianity Today, and gifted communicator. Jack presents his insights in effective and entertaining ways that keep participants engaged.
  2. The other DVD series is led by John Walton, PhD and Mark Strauss, PhD. John teaches Old Testament at Wheaton Graduate School and College and is the author of several books on the Old Testament. Mark is professor of New Testament at Bethel Seminary, a member of the Committee on Bible Translation, and has written numerous books and articles on the New Testament. (Note: The B90 Leaders Guide with Videos are available in hard copy or digital versions.)
  3. For B90+, “The Essential Snapshot” video teaching series is hosted by Dr. William Campbell, Founder and Executive Director of Scripture Awakening. This 14-week series was made to match and complement the B90+ email series.

For B90 Traditional, participants may purchase a B90 Bible and B90 Participant’s Guide (or both together). The Bible in 90 Days Plus email automation series can be purchased here, which also includes the B90+ Digital GuideBook, and the Essential Snapshot video series. Or purchase the new B90+ softcover book, a print version of the B90+ email series. The B90+ book includes all of the features of the email series, plus several additional resources built in.

Prepare for the first meeting.

Decide which B90 version you’re going to use; print or digital. For B90 Traditional, we suggest you bring copies of the B90 print materials for participants to purchase. Let participants know about B90 material costs before the first meeting. For Bible in 90 Days Plus Digital, give participants the link to subscribe to B90+ email series. It’s also possible to integrate B90 and B90+ in a small group, it just takes a little extra logistics.

Publicize and promote in advance.

When offering B90 or B90+, use email, fliers, your church bulletin, newsletter, or social media to spread the word. Feel free to download our B90/B90+ logos to include in your promotions. Also encourage participants to invite friends or family members to join them.

Think beyond the original target audience.

When the Denver Post visited a Bible in 90 Days host church, there were 600 participants! Of the 600, there were 200 who were not even members of that church … they came from the surrounding community! You just never know who you might reach with Bible in 90 Days.

FAQs: know the answers.

Be prepared to answer most (or all) of the Frequently Asked Questions. Help your group members understand what materials they will need and what will be expected of them.

About accountability.

The B90 Leader’s Guide (B90 Traditional) provides a simple reader-accountability plan. Note that using a group accountability method may feel awkward, so an alternate approach is to use a roll call to announce if they are caught up or not. Or use a check-in sheet to indicate participants’ reading status. Important: know your group—encourage everyone to acknowledge where they are each week so that no one gets too far behind.

Keep group sizes small.

If a group has more than 12 people, then divide it into two smaller groups. Be sure to always watch the B90 videos together. Appoint a discussion leader for each small group. Remember: B90 is not a Bible study … it’s a read through the Bible. As facilitator, always keep this in mind.

Set a finish date.

A finish date keeps everyone fixed on the same goal. People can join in later, but it needs to be early on, not weeks into the reading. Starting together, being on time, consistency, etc. sets up participants for success, and will minimize discouragement, dropouts, or failing to finish.

Celebrate completion!

Many B90 groups celebrate the half-way mark (usually week 7) with refreshments. Many groups host a graduation party for their last meeting. It’s good to celebrate! So we created B90 Completion Certificate for graduates, found here. Also encourage them to share their B90 experience here. Finally, graduates make great B90 advocates—perhaps some will launch new B90 groups!

Facilitate a B90 Group

It’s been said that everything rises and falls upon leadership. Here are a few helpful pointers.

Once you’ve decided to facilitate a B90 group and familiarized yourself with starting a group (see first tab), here are some great tips for facilitating:


At beginning and end, and throughout the week, pray for yourself, and your group, that God will reveal Himself to each participant as they read through His Word. Always acknowledge God’s presence (Jesus assured it) and ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance as you facilitate. Lay your challenges at His feet. He will guide you and your group to the finish. Encourage group members to do the same.

Read B90 yourself.

This may seem obvious, but you must commit to reading daily yourself, and complete the readings ahead of the group. Your own commitment is paramount to the group’s success. Participants need to know that you are invested to read and achieve this goal.

Honor everyone’s time.

Everyone is strapped for time. When you start and end each meeting on schedule, they’ll know you value their time. To ensure a meeting’s success, do the readings, be prepared by using the B90 Leader’s Guide or B90+ GuideBook, and stay focused on what needs to be discussed. Whether meeting in-person or online, try to avoid banter so you can start and end at the times you’ve scheduled.

Foster accountability and fellowship.

Help group members get to know each other, to feel comfortable discussing the reading, as well as holding each other accountable. Encourage members to pray for each other. Accountability for online groups is an extra challenge because they may never be face to face. If hosting an online group, do weekly check-ins with each other. You can do this via a Facebook group, blog page, Zoom, or by email. One successful online B90 leader paired her group members so each had a direct accountability partner.

Use the B90 resources.

Our website features Bible in 90 Days free promotional tools. You’re free to customize these resources to better fit your group. We have carefully designed, developed, and tested our materials to ensure success. Many thousands of participants have successfully completed reading the Bible in 90 days by following these procedures. You want to succeed, we want you to succeed too — so it just makes sense to use our proven process.

Facilitate — don’t teach.

Often participants will have questions about the Scripture readings. Your job is to help them read, not teach. Most often the two best answers to reader questions are “What do you think?” or “Keep reading and let me know what you think later.” Suggest that they write a list of questions to research and delve into after the reading is complete. One B90 facilitator invited the senior pastor to the group’s graduation celebration, where participants could then ask any questions they had collected during the course.

B90 Core Materials

B90 and B90+ core materials will maximize your B90 experience.

B90 Traditional

The B90 Bible

We selected the New International Version and worked with Zondervan to customize it for the B90 curriculum. Benefits include:

  • Readable NIV translation
  • Larger print with minimal footnotes
  • Thin and portable
  • Start and end markers for each day’s reading
  • Read 12 pages a day to finish in 90 days

Even if you already own a Bible, the B90 Bible is strongly recommended for anyone who desires to successfully read the Bible from cove- to-cover.

B90 Participant’s Guide

This Guide features 14 “session” synopses of each full week of reading. The guide includes group discussion questions, reading assignments, book overviews, reading tips, space for notes, and more. One Participant’s Guide for each participant is recommended.

B90 Leader’s Guide & DVD Kit

Kit includes the print B90 Leader’s Guide booklet and 3 DVDs with 14 teaching sessions. The DVDs offer two lesson tracks to choose from:

Set 1 • Session 1: Ted Cooper, B90 Founder; Sessions 2-14 with Jack Modesett, Bible teacher, business man, and former chair of Christianity Today.

Set 2 • Session 1: Ted Cooper, B90 Founder; Sessions 2-10 with John Walton, OT professor at Wheaton College; Sessions 11-14 with Mark Strauss, NT professor at Bethel Seminary.

NEW: The B90 Leader’s Guide and Session Videos are now also available in digital format (PDF and streaming videos). See Here


B90+ Emails

B90+ (digital) is based upon our popular B90 reading program. B90+ is a 90-day email automation using our time-tested “Read-Study-Live” format. The read section directs you to read 12 pages a day. The study (reflect) section features Biblical commentary and insights. The live (respond) section challenges you to apply Scripture to your life. B90+ emails are delivered daily to your computer or mobile device anywhere. Includes: one-minute synopsis videos, daily coaching tips, and more. It’s everything Bible in 90 Days (traditional) provides, plus!

B90+ Book

The Bible in 90 Days Plus softcover book is the print version of the original B90+ email automation. We added several more effective resources, including a facilitators guide, small group questions, weekly session overviews, and much more. Get full book details here.

B90+ Digital GuideBook

Your journey through Scripture will be enhanced by the B90+ Digital GuideBook and ensures that you won’t miss anything critical along the way. It organizes the daily readings into weekly sessions, which help you see the larger picture and prepare for the daily B90+ reading. The GuideBook is well suited to help you lead a weekly small group to discuss the B90 readings.

Essential Snapshot Videos

This 14-week video teaching series was designed and produced to serve as a companion to B90+. Teaching topics cover the Pentateuch, Israel’s history, Poetry, Prophecy, Gospels, Letters, right through to Revelation. Each week a new video corresponds to and expands your understanding of the B90+ readings. Packed with interesting facts, perspectives, and essential insights, you will gain a better grasp of—and confidence in—the Scriptures.

Integrate B90 and B90+

B90 Traditional, B90+ Digital, and the B90+ Book were designed to complement one other and work together. You CAN integrate these sets of resources. When you want to start B90 and organize your small group, you may offer participants (a) the print versions of the B90 Bible, Participant’s and Leader’s Guides, and DVD teaching videos; (b) the digital versions of B90+ emails, B90+ Guidebook, and the Essential Snapshot teaching videos; or (c) the new B90+ Book, a print version of the B90+ email series. For further details on how to use these alone or together, download the PDFs below which provide detailed information you need to get started.

Free B90 Promo Materials

We have designed a variety of free resources that complement and help your B90 experience be successful. You will find promotional pieces like flyers, posters, logos, powerpoint templates, and social media images. We’re here to help you succeed! We hope you will find these resources helpful. Access Here.

B90 Reading Tips

Your life can change in 90 days — guaranteed! But for a life-change to happen, you need to know and complete the process.

Reading the Bible in 90 days is an incredibly rewarding experience, and definitely a challenge. To succeed in thoughtfully reading through the entire Bible in 90 Days, then the steps below are essential:

  1. Select a readable Bible version and format. Use a Bible or Bible app that is text-only without additional study notes or materials so you can focus on the actual text. The B90 printed Bible is a good example with consistent 12-pages-a-day readings.
  2. Pick a time and place for the daily readings. Find a quiet place. Remove any distractions. Be innovative as needed. Bible readings average about 45 minutes of focused attention. If using Bible in 90 Days Plus, the commentaries add about 5-7 minutes daily, and provide you with a richer Bible reading experience.
  3. Join a small group. Meet weekly with others who are also reading B90. Meet to discuss what you’ve read and for encouragement—it leads to success. It also provides some accountability for staying on track and not falling behind.

Some additional tips:

  • Make reading your daily priority.
  • Pray before you read.
  • Write down questions as you read; investigate them later.
  • Take your Bible with you everywhere.
  • If you get behind, don’t give up and don’t quit! Use the weekend to catch up!

B90 FAQs

What are the basics of Bible in 90 days?

Reading the Bible in 90 days is an incredibly rewarding experience, and definitely a challenge. To succeed in thoughtfully reading through the entire Bible in 90 Days, then the steps below are essential:

  1. Select a readable Bible version and format. Use a Bible or Bible app that is text-only without additional study notes or materials so you can focus on the actual text. The B90 printed Bible is a good example with consistent 12-pages-a-day readings.
  2. Pick a time and place for the daily readings. Find a quiet place. Remove any distractions. Be innovative as needed. Bible readings average about 45 minutes of focused attention. If using Bible in 90 Days Plus, the commentaries add about 5-7 minutes daily, and provide you with a richer Bible reading experience.
  3. Join a small group. Meet weekly with others who are also reading B90. Meet to discuss what you’ve read and for encouragement—it leads to success. It also provides some accountability for staying on track and not falling behind.

Each participant reads on his or her own, then gathers once a week in a small group for discussion, activities, and a video lesson. Experience has taught us that accountability, fellowship, and material shared during the weekly meetings are crucial for participants to successfully read through the entire Bible.

Why 90 days?

Because most people can wrap their minds around doing something for 90 days. Imagine trying a new diet for three months … or twelve. Which is more likely to succeed? From day one, the end is in sight. Yes, the readings are a challenge—yet participants tell us it is a manageable challenge. And the payoff more than compensates.

Who can lead a B90 group?

YOU can. All it takes is a desire to help people read the entire Bible. Some leaders start a group as a way to ensure that they themselves do the reading. That said, leaders must commit to read along with the group. In every case, the leader’s only job is to facilitate, not teach. The B90 Leader’s Guide (or B90+ GuideBook) makes it simple and straightforward.

Why does it work?

It works for many reasons. Here are a few:

  • Time frame: 90 days vs. a year (or longer) is very doable and easier to commit to finish.
  • Readability: The B90 Bible uses large print, minimal footnotes for distraction, and is an easy-to-read translation.
  • Community: Weekly meetings build support, fellowship, accountability, and knowledgeable insight.
  • Support materials: B90 provides free support materials … so participants remain engaged and focused on one thing: reading the Bible!
  • A lowering of barriers: By emphasizing just Bible reading, participants will more likely recognize being led by the Holy Spirit while reading and thus be transformed by the Word.
How much reading is involved?

Participants using the B90 Bible will read 12 pages a day, which usually takes about 45-60 minutes of reading time. And yes, participants read every word of the Bible.

Can I do B90 alone and not in a group?

Of course! All you need is “a Bible and a bookmark.” Choose any version of the Bible you prefer, download this free B90 Reading Plan Bookmark, and you’re on your way. But just so you know: statistically your chances of successfully completing the 90-day readings increase dramatically if you use the B90 Bible and join a group reading B90 together.

What materials are needed?

For B90 Traditional:

For B90+Plus:

Can I use B90 and B90+ together?

Yes you can! B90 Traditional and B90+ (emails or softcover book) are designed to complement the other and work together. You CAN integrate both sets of resources. When you want to start B90 and organize your small group, you may offer participants (a) the print versions of the B90 Bible, Participant’s and Leader’s Guides, and DVD teaching videos, and/or (b) the digital versions of B90+ emails, B90+ Guidebook, and the Essential Snapshot teaching videos. For complete details, download the PDFs below which provide all the information you need to get started.

Can I do B90 online?

The short answer is yes! Sometimes it’s not possible for a B90 group to meet in person. An online group can still afford the fellowship and accountability needed to read the Bible in 90 Days. Online communities can be significant, personal, and truly vibrant. If you want to facilitate a B90 group online, here are some great (and free) online communication tools:

Can I listen instead of read?

In order to do B90, it’s best to read all the words of the Bible yourself. With that said, some people, while reading, may choose to also listen to a recording of the Bible — which can help you remain focused while you are reading it. BibleGateway has several audio Bible versions — so if you’re reading the B90 Bible, select the NIV version for listening.

Can B90 really be done in large settings?

Yes, it can and has been done church-wide, even in small communities. B90 was developed to scale up or down to virtually any size. But in all cases, the secret to success is doing B90 with others in a small group!

What denominations have used B90?

B90 is a non-denominational curriculum which has been embraced in the following denominations:

  • Assembly of God  |  Baptist  |  Bible  |  Catholic  |  Church of Christ  |  Community
  • Episcopal  |  Evangelical Free  |  Lutheran  |  Methodist  |  Mennonite
  • Non-denominational  |  Pentecostal  |  Presbyterian  |  United Methodist  |  Vineyard
How do I get started?

See the first tabbed link (above left) on this page “Start a B90 Group” or see “Can I do B90 online?” . They detail simple, easy to follow steps you can take to gather and begin a B90 group as soon as you like. YES YOU CAN read the Bible in 90 days — so let’s get started!

Falling Behind?

Here are things to do — and don’t miss the don’ts!

Do ask for God’s help. God wants you to know Him—so read His Word. God will move in ways you haven’t seen before when you commit to read His Word and listen. And yes—you still have to do the work. Pray each time before you read. Ask Him what He wants you to hear. Let the rest go. This is a not a Bible study. This is Bible reading. Absorb what you can. Forget the rest. He will help you.

Do set a goal for getting caught up. You won’t accidentally get caught up. Set a goal. Follow through. How far behind are you? Can you get caught up in one week? Only you can make it happen. How will you do it? Schedule extra 30 or 45 minute reading breaks in your day. You’re on a mission—but not necessarily an easy one. Forces will oppose you from reading. God is there to support you!

Do take your Bible everywhere. Yes, everywhere! In your home, in your car. Read in a grocery store line. Arrive early in church and read before worship. Read while the oven is preheating. Read while waiting for water to boil. Read in the bathroom. Read while your kids do their homework. Institute family reading time. He will help you!

Do watch your progress. Download the B90 Bible bookmark. Print it. Check-off the reading as you get it done. Do this even if you are reading digitally. Seeing progress will motivate you. If using a hardcopy Bible, place a sticky note at the end of each day’s reading, each week’s reading, or wherever your next goal is. As you move the bookmark ahead, you’ll see the progress!

Do ensure that you’re committed. Is reading the entire Bible important to you? Then commit to finish. If you commit to just reading as much as you can, you won’t read the whole thing. Don’t you want to know all that God wants to share with you? Thank Him for the gift of of His Words. Tell Him you want to open, read, and learn from His gift. If you commit—He will help when you ask!

Don’t skip ahead. Readers that do this rarely go back and read the entire Word. We are reading the entire Bible here, cover-to-cover. If you skip you will miss some of the story. Don’t skip ahead so you feel better. Plow forward. Once you catch up it will be SO worth it!

Don’t set yourself up for failure. When is a realistic time for you to read? You might say you’ll just get up earlier to read beginning at 5:30 AM. Is that realistic for you? Perhaps read after the kids go to bed. Will you really get it done or do you get sleepy when night-reading? When does it make sense for you to read? Prepare not to give in. Yes you CAN do this!

Don’t give up. If you feel like giving up, remember why you decided to start this in the first place. Think about why you would quit — is it a really a good reason? Did you talk to God about it? Do you honestly think He wants you to stop reading His Word? Don’t. Give. Up.

B90 Best Practices

Best Practices. We’ve compiled a few ministry-specific guidelines to help ensure that your Bible in 90 Days experience is the best it can be. Below are 4 PDFs, each one contain directions and helpful tips so you can feel confident in organizing and leading people into a life-changing journey through God’s Word, no matter what the setting.

Mistakes to Avoid

The great thing about thousands having completed B90 before you is knowing you won’t make rookie mistakes.
Mistakes by Facilitators

1. Failing to read yourself. Unless you’ve successfully read previously. Nothing will sabotage a group faster than a leader who fails to keep up with the reading.

2. Not holding the participants accountable. Many will join your group specifically for the accountability. They’ve tried to read before, but failed, often because there was no accountability. At the first B90 meeting, most participants will make a commitment to God to do the readings. Accountability is simply assisting them to follow through on that commitment.

3. Skipping small group discussion. Typically, 40-50% of a class needs to be able to talk about what they are reading in order to stay engaged in the reading. Skipping small group discussion can cause drop outs.

4. Skipping the videos. The lessons “reward” the participants by sharing insights together. The videos provide context that keep participants interested and engaged.

Mistakes by Participants

1. Reading without being part of a group. Finish rates plummet for people who “go solo.”

2. Adding B90 to your list of TO DOS rather than REPLACING one or more of your activities with B90. The distinction may seem subtle, but consciously choosing to watch one hour LESS of TV each day means you are REPLACING TV with Bible reading. Without making such a conscious decision, you are simply ADDING TO a hectic schedule, which may undercut your chances of success.

Mistakes by B90 Hosts

1. Not using the recommended resources. The B90 materials have been used successfully across denominations throughout the United States and in 21 foreign countries. They work. If you are going to substitute materials, please ensure they can demonstrate the same success. If you question this, talk with people who’ve used the B90 curriculum. There is a reason that they work.

2. Not recruiting small group leaders ahead of time.

3. Not having an engaged senior pastor and/or a key lay-leader.

4. Distributing materials before the first class (except to facilitators and small group leaders).

What's Next?

Dig Deeper with BNEXT Bible Studies

Now that you’ve read the whole Bible and have a basic understanding, wouldn’t it be great to dig deeper in study? Our BNEXT Bible Studies are a great way take a closer look at God’s ways and works. You can start in Genesis with the In The Beginning study. Over time and with discipline, work all the way through to Revelation with the Brighten Your Light study. Talk to your church leadership about launching a BNEXT study group, or re-gather your B90 classmates and jump right back in — just a little deeper! BNEXT studies work for individuals, but work best in small groups.

Keep Reading

By the way: congratulations on finishing B90! You’ve established a daily reading habit, so…keep reading. However, just as a marathon runner only works out lightly for a few days after a marathon, you may choose to reduce your daily reading load for a time. Here are some ideas/options:

  • Go back to re-read portions of the Bible that intrigued you. Refer to a Bible commentary as you read. Bible commentaries can be found in Christian bookstores, online, or ask your church staff or class leader to recommend one.
  • Read one chapter of Proverbs a day for a month. There are 31 chapters, so you’ll finish in a month.
  • Wait a few months and read B90 again and/or host a B90 group yourself. You enjoyed the first journey—you’ll enjoy the second even more. If you dread re-reading rather than anticipating it, then ask the Lord what’s best for you next.
  • Spread the word: share your B90 experience at church. Talk with family, friends, co-workers, and others in personal conversations, or post your experience on social networks.

Thank you for faithfully reading the entire Bible. We’d love to hear how your life was impacted by your B90 experience.