Who can lead a group?
Almost anyone can. By using our recommended resources, even with minimal Bible knowledge, you can lead a group through Bible in 90 Days. It works because both the B90 (traditional) Bundle or the B90+ (digital) Bundle are designed to help you facilitate a group, rather than teach. Your main concern as a facilitator is your commitment to lead a group through the readings. You must either (a) read with the group, or (b) have previously read through the entire Bible yourself.
Start a group.
First, determine start and finish dates for reading, and what day your weekly group meeting will gather. Think about the time of year and the availability of potential participants when you select your dates. Example: starting B90 near Thanksgiving or Christmas is not the best time. B90 sessions should end before Thanksgiving — it will be more successful. Think of times or seasons that will be most convenient for you and your group.
Choose a video series.
Bible in 90 Days offers 3 separate series of video lessons; the first two series apply to B90 Traditional, and the third series for Bible in 90 Days Plus (B90+):
- One DVD teaching series is led by Jack Modesett, a businessman, former Chairman of the Board of Christianity Today, and gifted communicator. Jack presents his insights in effective and entertaining ways that keep participants engaged.
- The other DVD series is led by John Walton, PhD and Mark Strauss, PhD. John teaches Old Testament at Wheaton Graduate School and College and is the author of several books on the Old Testament. Mark is professor of New Testament at Bethel Seminary, a member of the Committee on Bible Translation, and has written numerous books and articles on the New Testament. (Note: The B90 Leaders Guide with Videos are available in hard copy or digital versions.)
- For B90+, “The Essential Snapshot” video teaching series is hosted by Dr. William Campbell, Founder and Executive Director of Scripture Awakening. This 14-week series was made to match and complement the B90+ email series.
For B90 Traditional, participants may purchase a B90 Bible and B90 Participant’s Guide (or both together). The Bible in 90 Days Plus email automation series can be purchased here, which also includes the B90+ Digital GuideBook, and the Essential Snapshot video series. Or purchase the new B90+ softcover book, a print version of the B90+ email series. The B90+ book includes all of the features of the email series, plus several additional resources built in.
Prepare for the first meeting.
Decide which B90 version you’re going to use; print or digital. For B90 Traditional, we suggest you bring copies of the B90 print materials for participants to purchase. Let participants know about B90 material costs before the first meeting. For Bible in 90 Days Plus Digital, give participants the link to subscribe to B90+ email series. It’s also possible to integrate B90 and B90+ in a small group, it just takes a little extra logistics.
Publicize and promote in advance.
When offering B90 or B90+, use email, fliers, your church bulletin, newsletter, or social media to spread the word. Feel free to download our B90/B90+ logos to include in your promotions. Also encourage participants to invite friends or family members to join them.
Think beyond the original target audience.
When the Denver Post visited a Bible in 90 Days host church, there were 600 participants! Of the 600, there were 200 who were not even members of that church … they came from the surrounding community! You just never know who you might reach with Bible in 90 Days.
FAQs: know the answers.
Be prepared to answer most (or all) of the Frequently Asked Questions. Help your group members understand what materials they will need and what will be expected of them.
About accountability.
The B90 Leader’s Guide (B90 Traditional) provides a simple reader-accountability plan. Note that using a group accountability method may feel awkward, so an alternate approach is to use a roll call to announce if they are caught up or not. Or use a check-in sheet to indicate participants’ reading status. Important: know your group—encourage everyone to acknowledge where they are each week so that no one gets too far behind.
Keep group sizes small.
If a group has more than 12 people, then divide it into two smaller groups. Be sure to always watch the B90 videos together. Appoint a discussion leader for each small group. Remember: B90 is not a Bible study … it’s a read through the Bible. As facilitator, always keep this in mind.
Set a finish date.
A finish date keeps everyone fixed on the same goal. People can join in later, but it needs to be early on, not weeks into the reading. Starting together, being on time, consistency, etc. sets up participants for success, and will minimize discouragement, dropouts, or failing to finish.
Celebrate completion!
Many B90 groups celebrate the half-way mark (usually week 7) with refreshments. Many groups host a graduation party for their last meeting. It’s good to celebrate! So we created B90 Completion Certificate for graduates, found here. Also encourage them to share their B90 experience here. Finally, graduates make great B90 advocates—perhaps some will launch new B90 groups!