Our ministry will be redesigning resources for training small group leaders. The course includes a Student Manual, a Leader’s Manual, and corresponding PowerPoint presentations. The Manuals and PowerPoints will come together as a set, and we hope to have them completed next year. Here are a couple of tools for small groups that you are free to use now:
The complete set of future training materials will also be free (a $75.00 value) which will include the following:
Small Group Training
The first session is an exploration of the Biblical Foundation of small groups. from the Old to New Testaments. Made in the image of a triune God, we too are to experience a shared unity in relationships. Participants discover small groups as a perfect place to experience that shared unity with fellow believers.
Session 1: Why Small Groups?
The first session is an exploration of the Biblical Foundation of small groups from the Old to New Testaments. Made in the image of God, we too, like the triune God, are to experience a shared unity in relationships. Participants discover small groups as a perfect place to experience that shared unity with fellow believers. Jesus called twelve disciples and taught them in a group — what better way to follow the example of Jesus than in small groups? The early church grew as small communities of believers that could meet in homes in which they experienced spiritual intimacy with the risen Lord and each other by means of the Holy Spirit. Small groups are a great place to share in the same experience of spiritual intimacy.
Session 2: Growing a Small Group
A healthy small group includes a dynamic mix of worship, fellowship Bible study and mission. Small groups move through a cycle from initial excitement to appropriate termination. Small groups that bond together find value in establishing a mutual covenant and developing a mission statement.
Session 3: Leadership Skills
A spiritually maturing small group leader guides, protects, nurtures, equips others for ministry in following the example of our Lord. By means of careful preparation, a small group leader makes sure that a group will experience a warm hospitality, meaningful prayer/worship, stimulating Bible study and generous/caring outreach to others. The dynamics of a small group are shaped by its various personalities. A skillful leader will be cognizant of who in a group might be a visionary, mediator, spectator, clown, cynic etc.
Session 4: Getting Organized
In order for small groups to be integral (connected to a church’s leadership) strategic (connecting to the overall direction of a church) and sustainable, (not sporadic or erratic) small groups must be supported by a team of small group shepherds providing caring oversight and support.
Leader Training Manuals with PowerPoints
A spiritually mature leader guides, protects, nurtures, equips others for ministry in following the example of our Lord. By means of careful preparation, a small group leader will ensure that a group experiences warm hospitality, meaningful prayer/worship, stimulating Bible study, and generous/caring outreach to others. These resources will help you train leaders to be effective in their leadership and direction of their groups. Stay tuned as we prepare to re-release these tools sometime in 2025.