
How to Know God’s Will: 20 Pack

Original price was: $179.80.Current price is: $170.80.

BNEXT Amazing Journey 20 Pack of How to Know God’s Will Booklets.


This lesson focuses on the power of prayer and intercession. We draw an example through Aaron and Hur holding up Moses’ arms while Joshua fought Israel’s first battle. Their example provides encouragement for us to pray at all times and for everyone — ourselves, our families, our friends, our churches and leaders. In the second half of Exodus, we find God’s design for the wilderness Tabernacle, worship objects, and building materials related to it — all to be shadows and symbols of the truly permanent realities we have in the kingdom of God. The Tabernacle instructs us about our Lord and Savior: the cleansing, the altars, the sacrifices, the bread, the incense, and the shed blood — all point to Jesus Christ. The book of Leviticus describes the tribe designated as priests who were set apart to be holy. They were called to serve God on behalf of the people. What appear to be countless rules and restrictions for God’s Temple servants actually brings clarity to the call of God upon all of his people to be His special possession — even us! The title Numbers was given to this book in reference to the census of God’s people in the desert. Yet, this book includes so much more. Here we find the story of Caleb who believed what God promised and commanded over and against the fear and objections of his peers. The wholehearted devotion of Caleb toward God was a like rare and beautiful diamond found randomly in the desert sands. Caleb’s character and strength preserved him to lead the next generation into Israel’s promised inheritance. In Deuteronomy, Moses repeats the giving of God’s law so that the Israelites won’t forget God’s words and works. This lesson provides practical tools to help you gain and retain God’s word by reading, meditating, and then memorizing Scripture. In doing so, we can more easily remember and experience the mercy of God.

Additional information

Weight 3.75 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 5 in