Nehemiah, a great man of prayer, led the Israelites into a respect and passion for God’s word. With his great love for God and his desire to see God honored in all things, he led the Israelites towards the faith and obedience God had asked of them for so long. And in spite of great opposition and accusations, Nehemiah led his people to rebuild the wall and, even more, saw God’s enemies silenced.
- Nehemiah’s Prayer: Nehemiah 1
- Nehemiah’s Patience and Plan: Nehemiah 2
- Teamwork and Talents: Nehemiah 3
- Mission Impossible: Nehemiah 4
- Building Character, Not Just Walls: Nehemiah 5
- Dealing with Difficult People: Nehemiah 6
- Time for a Little ‘R & R’: Nehemiah 8
- The Rest of the Story: Nehemiah 9-11