God’s Amazing Book: The Incomparable Bible


The word Bible simply means “book.” But this is no ordinary book. It has appealed to people from every tribe and nation throughout the ages. No other book has so changed individuals and transformed societies. Yet this book has a unity and cohesion that leaves a discerning person only one logical explanation: There is ONE AUTHOR and that Author is the great I AM.


The Incomparable Bible: The word Bible simply means “book.” But this is no ordinary book. It has appealed to people from every tribe and nation throughout the ages. No other book has so changed individuals and transformed societies. Yet this book has a unity and cohesion that leaves a discerning person only one logical explanation: There is ONE AUTHOR and that Author is the great I AM.

  1. There is No Book Like It
  2. The Old and the New
  3. Will the Real Author Please Stand Up?
  4. What is Canon?
  5. A Book of Amazing Predictions
  6. The Focus of the Bible: Christ