Bible in 90 Days (B90) is a group-oriented Bible reading curriculum, which helps people read through the entire Bible in just 90 days. B90 has impacted over a quarter million people worldwide in 50 states and 21 countries spanning 5 continents! Churches across denominations, home schoolers, missions, and neighborhood small groups have all used the B90 curriculum successfully.
Bible in 90 Days for Homeschools
“No other Bible curriculum impacted our family’s walk with God as Bible in 90 Days has. I’m convinced my sons are closer to the Lord because they used B90.”
— Christina Ward
B90+ Book
The Bible in 90 Day Plus (B90+) Book can be your new, best Homeschool Bible curriculum. The B90+ book features a panoramic overview of the Scriptures. There are 90 daily lessons, which include scholarly commentary on each day’s readings; coaching tips; questions for personal devotions and discussion; space to record answers and insights; a 14-week video teaching series; supplemental historical material, and so much more.
Use your own personal Bible for reading (or our specially-formatted B90 softcover readers Bible), paired with our B90+ book, for a life-changing transformative journey through God’s Word! Softcover, clean format, easy to read font; 330+ page workbook, and priced well within your family’s budget. Click the Learn More button below to see fuller details. Scroll down further to see our full lineup of Bible in 90 Days materials.
“Transformed.” That’s the word many Bible in 90 Days participants use to describe their B90 experience.
B90 is a group-oriented, Bible reading program that engages people in a 90-day, cover-to-cover reading of the Bible. A specially formatted Bible, DVD teaching sessions, and group accountability make it a life-changing experience.
Biblical illiteracy is rampant. A 2004 Gallup survey found that only 37% of teenagers could identify a quote from the “Sermon on the Mount.” A 2007 TIME magazine cover story reported that only half of U.S. adults were able to name one of the Gospels. You might think the Church would have solutions. Think again. Neglect of God’s Word is so widespread that a whopping 90% of Christians have never read through the entire Bible!
While a majority of Americans claim to be Christian, only 10% have actually read the Bible from cover-to-cover. The life-giving power of Scripture is missing from Christians in general. Too spiritually weak to stand against worldly temptations, they fail to follow Biblical norms for holy and happy living. The result? Failed marriages, fractured families, and church leaders struggling to successfully guide believers through our confused and godless culture.
The Bible in 90 Days is a great starting point to inspire Biblical literacy among Christians. Here are just a few of the benefits of the B90 experience:
- A deepened relationship with God.
- It’s a Bible reading program, not a study: no doctrinal controversies.
- Gain Biblical knowledge and understanding that builds confidence and faith.
- It’s 90 days (not a year), which helps participants remember to connect key historical persons, events, and more from Genesis to Revelation.
- B90 groups build relationships, which contributes to a higher success rate of completing the readings.
- Transformational: it’s God’s Word!
- Affordable: $24.95 for B90+ Book.
The Bible in 90 Days is a perfect fit for Homeschools.
Many think that reading the entire Bible in 90 days is just too much. Actually, it’s not. Our Bible in 90 Days curriculum makes what feels like an impossible task both doable and enjoyable. Hundreds of thousands of people all over the world have done it—and so can you. All you need is a plan…and our B90 program works! The B90 reading schedule takes about 45-60 minutes a day, well suited for students ages 12 and older. (Note: as the parent you know best your children’s abilities.) Here are some of the benefits and features of Bible in 90 Days:
- It’s God’s Word: “Blessed are those who listen to Me, watching daily at My doors, waiting at My doorway. Give us this day our daily bread” (Proverbs 8:34, Luke 11:3).
- It’s a Bible reading program, not a study. B90 is free of any denominational emphasis, narrow interpretations or pet theological controversies; it’s a straight reading of Scripture. “Devote yourself to reading Scripture” (1 Timothy 4:13).
- It’s 90 days: B90 neatly fits into a quarterly calendar schedule (3 months) and can be completed within that time-frame.
- It’s flexible: start B90 anytime of the year; you’re free to choose when B90 is best suited for your class schedule.
- It’s transformational: the Bible is powerful, life-changing, and eternal. Nothing is more effective in renewing the mind than being immersed in the Word of God.
- It’s memorable: reading the whole Bible within 90 days provides a sweeping panoramic view of Biblical history; you will more readily remember and connect key historical events of Genesis to Israel’s history, to the Prophets, to the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ life.
- It’s group-oriented: B90 enjoys a high success (completion) rate when done in a group. It will be most effective when done together as a family, with a group of families, or even within your whole homeschool association.
- It’s affordable: The Bible in 90 Days Plus Book is priced at $24.95.
- Freebies: take advantage of our free resources to augment your B90 experience: downloadable B90 bookmark, reading schedule, and even B90 completion certificates to celebrate when you finish B90. You’re welcome! See B90 Freebies